cdp_io processes stuck, causing high load or filling up disk space

R1Soft CDP Agent can sometimes have issues with its backup agent dying, and leaving its cdp_io processes running.

This can cause issues with high load on the server, disk space on the server being filled up by CDP agent, or backup policies on CDP server failing, as they won’t be able to start due to stuck cdp_io processes.

If you do ps auxf | grep cdp you might see a lot of processes like this.

root      587475  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:20 cdp_io/1/0

root      587481  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:14 cdp_io/1/1

root      587482  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:12 cdp_io/1/2

root      587483  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:13 cdp_io/1/3

root      587487  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:13 cdp_io/1/4

root      587488  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:13 cdp_io/1/5

root      587490  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:12 cdp_io/1/6

root      587557  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:12 cdp_io/1/7

root      587603  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:12 cdp_io/1/8

root      587604  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:12 cdp_io/1/9

root      587605  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:12 cdp_io/1/10

root      587607  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:12 cdp_io/1/11

root      587613  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:13 cdp_io/1/12

root      587691  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:13 cdp_io/1/13

root      587699  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:12 cdp_io/1/14

root      587710  0.0  0.3 2136156 128260 ?      Ss   Dec19   0:13 cdp_io/1/15

Trying to kill those processes with kill -9 will yield no results, and processes will be left running.

Doing a Google search on similar issues returns two possible options to kill those processes, and resolve any possible issues caused by them.

Three possible options to kill the stuck processes are:

  1. Reboot of the device where cdp_io processes are stuck.
  2. Doing a complete remove, and reinstall of CDP agent.
    NOTE: yum reinstall will not work, you need to remove the packages completely, and install them again.
  3. Doing an update of CDP agent to new version, if newer version is available.

On RedHat-compatible distributions, update to a new version can be made by issuing yum update serverbackup*, or in some cases yum update r1soft* command in shell of the device with CDP agent.

Remove and reinstall CDP agent on RedHat-compatible distributions.

To completely remove, and install CDP agent again, first check what CDP agent packages you have installed on your device.

Check currently installed version.

Currently installed CDP agent packages can be checked with rpm -qa | egrep "serverbackup|r1soft", which will show currently installed serverbackup packages, or r1soft packages, depending on which naming version of the packages you have installed on your machine.

[~]# rpm -qa | egrep "serverbackup|r1soft"

Remove and reinstall CDP agent packages.

Remove CDP agent packages with yum remove serverbackup* or yum remove r1soft*, depending on which packages are installed on your machine.

After you remove the packages, all cdp_io processes should be removed, and any load or disk space usage that was caused by the processes will go down.

Reinstall CDP agent packages again with yum install command on packages you had installed before removal.

For example, for the output of rpm -qa | egrep “serverbackup|r1soft” in the example above, you will run the following command.

[~]# yum install serverbackup-agent serverbackup-async-agent-2-6 serverbackup-enterprise-agent serverbackup-setup
