What is eximstats
Eximstats, on WHM/cPanel servers, is used to maintain statistics and information about email messages processed by Exim mail service.
If the data in it is not cleared often enough it can grow, and cause issues with disk space, or MySQL resource usage, as the size of the database can cause higher memory and disk consumption.
Disabling eximstats
If you do not have any need for Exim statistics, which are used for Mail Delivery Reports on Home »Email »Mail Delivery Reports, gathering exim statistics can be disabled from WHM or command line.
In WHM it can be disabled by going to Home »Service Configuration »Service Manager, and unchecking the service, and then clicking on the Save button on the bottom.
This will stop the database from being populated with new data.

From command line, you can disable the database from being populated by running a following command:
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/tailwatchd --disable=Cpanel::TailWatch::Eximstats
Lowering Eximstats retention time
Database is periodically cleaned, and by default Exim stats are retained in database for 10 days, which can be changed in WHM by going to Home »Server Configuration »Tweak Settings and changing the “The interval, in days, to retain Exim stats in the database” setting on the “Stats and Logs” tab.
Setting can also be changed by altering the “exim_retention_days” value in “/var/cpanel/cpanel.config” file.
Empty eximstats database
Database can be cleared either by deleting from its four tables, defers, failures, sends and smtp, or by dropping the database completely, and creating a fresh one with empty tables from “/usr/local/cpanel/etc/eximstats_db.sql” file.
To delete all of the data from the tables following command can be used:
mysql -e "use eximstats;delete from defers;delete from failures;delete from sends;delete from smtp;delete from smtp;"
To drop the database and recreate it again, following commands can be used:
mysqladmin drop eximstats mysqladmin create eximstats mysql eximstats < /usr/local/cpanel/etc/eximstats_db.sql