How to convert batch of doc files to docx, this should also work for ppt and xls files

This is a repost of a post from an old blog, made on July 23, 2012, that used to be on:

Original post:

Today I had to need to convert a bunch of old Office 2003 .doc files to a new Office 2010 .docx, file format, since it was a few hundred files that I had to convert I started looking for a easiest way to do it, after a few minutes of Google search through solutions with using macros I find one that doesn’t require any macros or programming on this blog.

You can do it using Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack and Microsoft Office Migration Planning Manager.

Here are the steps needed for a bulk conversion from .doc to .docx:

  1. Download Microsoft Office Migration Planning Manager (MigrationPlanningManager.exe, 2.7 MB)
  2. Download Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack (FileFormatConverters.exe, 37.0 MB)
  3. Extract Office Planning Manager (OMPM) to some directory (I used d:\doc2docx for example here)
  4. Go to Tools directory where you extracted OMPM (in my case d:\doc2docx\Tools)
  5. edit the ofc.ini file for following lines:
    fldr='path to directory with .doc files you want to convert'
    DestinationPathTemplate='path to where you want to save converted files'

    Your ofc.ini file should look something like this:

    TimeOut = 300
    ; FullUpgradeOnOpen: if set to 1, Word documents will be fully converted to the OpenXML format
    ;                    if set to 0 (default), Word documents will be saved in the OpenXML format in compatibility mode
    ; Not applicable to Excel or PowerPoint files.
  6. open command prompt and run ofc.exe from Tools directory (in my case D:\doc2docx\Tools\ofc.exe), you should get a message like this one:
    Microsoft Office File Converter version 12.0.4518.1032
    Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Automatically converts Office documents to 2007 Microsoft Office system file for
    mat based on settings in the OFC.INI control file.
    Converting files from folder d:\doc2docx\Files2convert
    Converting: d:\doc2docx\Files2convert\4thFile.doc Writing converted file to: d:\
    Converting: d:\doc2docx\Files2convert\File1.doc Writing converted file to: d:\do
    Converting: d:\doc2docx\Files2convert\FileNo3.doc Writing converted file to: d:\
    Converting: d:\doc2docx\Files2convert\SecondFile.doc Writing converted file to:
    Converting: d:\doc2docx\Files2convert\ThisIsFile5.doc Writing converted file to:
    Start: 2012-07-23 16:05:12
    End: 2012-07-23 16:05:17
    Total time used to convert files (sec): 4
    Total number of files processed: 5
    Total number of files converted: 5
    Conversion Complete.